welcome to the club.

we do

welcome to the club.

The innoclub is an exclusive network aimed at strengthening innovation in Dortmund and the Westphalian Ruhr area. Here, medium-sized companies and corporations meet a curated selection of start-ups to inspire each other, share experiences, knowledge, skills, and resources.

As the innoclub, we actively shape the transformation of the economy and offer new solutions to existing problems. Across various industries, we work with our members, mentors, and partners to drive innovation in digitalization, decarbonization, regionalization, and demographic change. We invest in the further development of promising start-ups and their technologies.

we are

  • matchmaker.

  • accelerators.

  • pioneers.

  • innovators.

But who are you?
Let us know and discover what the innoclub has in store for you!

One Club. Three Goals.


Der innoclub bringt Start-ups mit Mittelstand & Corporates zusammen. Branchenoffen matchen wir Innovator*innen, Expert*innen und Entscheider*innen aus beiden Welten und ermöglichen dadurch einen unkomplizierten Austausch in geschützter Atmosphäre. Clubabende, Workshops und Cross-Mentoring inklusive.


New ideas and disruptive technologies are needed to tackle the most pressing challenges of our time. No one has all the answers, and that's okay. But, this makes it crucial to look around and draw inspiration from trends and innovations in other industries.


Start-ups can significantly drive transformation with their innovations and will become increasingly important in the future. To support their journey to becoming scale-ups, we at the innoclub pool resources and provide selected start-ups with exclusive services.